Sour Candy Grapes

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Tangy fun sour candy grapes are fresh grapes coated in lemon juice, sweetener with citric acid for a pucker up taste of sour candy!

Close-up of sugared green candies piled together, with focus on their textured sugar coating.
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A glass dish containing freshly made green coconut ladoos sprinkled with desiccated coconut, placed on a wooden table next to a lemon and a pink measuring spoon.

Easy Candy Sour Grapes

I always loved the pucker up sour candy taste I got from sour patch kids growing up. When I had my kids, I wanted to find a more natural way to get that flavor in a healthier snack form. Thus, these super simple candy sour grapes were made!

Sour candy grapes merge the juicy sweetness of grapes with a tangy sour coating to create a similar taste to sour candies you can buy at the store. You simply have to roll fresh hard grapes in a mixture of lemon then in citric acid and sweetener to get a delicious zesty flavor profile. These healthy fun snacks are a great addition to parties and gathering and are enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Enjoy!

Green sugared candies in a baking dish lined with parchment paper.

How to Make Sour Candy Grapes

First assemble the following ingredients:

  • Green grapes (4 cups) – Green grapes are chosen for their crisp texture and slightly tart flavor, making them an ideal base for sour candy grapes.
  • Monk Fruit Sweetener (1 cup) – Monk fruit sweetener offers a natural, low-calorie alternative to sugar, adding sweetness without the extra calories.
  • Limes (2) – The juice and zest of limes provide a zesty tang, helping the sweetener adhere to the grapes while enhancing their sour profile.
  • Citric acid (2-3 tsp) – Citric acid is sprinkled onto the grapes to intensify their sourness, mimicking the puckering taste of classic sour candies.

Use this Method

Prep. Cover a large baking dish with parchment paper. Clean the grapes.

Coat Grapes. Place the clean grapes in a large bowl along with the juice from 2 limes. Mix together using a spoon and allow to sit in the fridge for 10 minutes. 

Coat. Transfer the Monk Fruit sweetener and citric acid into a medium bowl. Remove the grapes from the fridge and roll each one into the monk fruit mixture making sure each grape is completely coated. 

Freeze. Transfer the coated grapes onto the parchment paper and freeze for 2-3 hours.

Tips and Tricks for Making Sour Candy Grapes

Choose Firm Grapes: Opt for firm and fresh grapes, as they hold up better during the coating process and provide a nice crunch.

Wash and Dry Thoroughly: Ensure grapes are thoroughly washed and completely dried to help the coating stick better.

Use Lime or Lemon Juice: Spritz your grapes with lime or lemon juice before coating them; this helps the sugar stick and adds an extra zing.

Mix Sugars for Coating: Combine different types of sugar, like granulated, powdered, or flavored sugars, to enhance the sourness and sweetness.

Experiment with Flavors: Add powdered drink mixes like Kool-Aid to your sugar coating for a variety of flavors and an extra sour kick.

Chill Before Serving: Refrigerate the coated grapes for at least an hour before serving; this sets the coating and improves the texture.

Serve Cold: Serve the grapes cold for a refreshing treat, especially great during warm weather.

Use Skewers for Easy Eating: Skewer grapes with toothpicks or cocktail sticks for mess-free eating and an attractive presentation.

Store Properly: Keep any leftover sour candy grapes in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness and crunch.


What type of grapes should I use for sour candy grapes?

Any seedless grape variety works well, but green grapes are often preferred for their crisp texture and slightly tart flavor which complements the sour coating.

Do I need to peel the grapes before coating them?

No, you do not need to peel the grapes. The skin helps the coating adhere better and adds texture and flavor to the snack.

Can I use something other than sugar for the sour coating?

Yes, you can use a variety of sour powders like citric acid mixed with sugar, or even powdered drink mixes for different flavors.

What is the best way to serve sour candy grapes?

Sour candy grapes are best served cold. You can also skewer them on toothpicks or small sticks for easy and fun eating.

How long can I store sour candy grapes?

Sour candy grapes can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. However, they are best enjoyed within the first few days for optimal freshness and texture.

Can I make sour candy grapes ahead of time for an event?

Yes, sour candy grapes can be made a day or two in advance and stored in the refrigerator. Just be sure to keep them chilled and in an airtight container to maintain their quality.

Are sour candy grapes healthy?

Sour candy grapes can be a healthier alternative to traditional sour candies, as they are lower in added sugars and contain the natural nutrients of fresh fruit. However, moderation is key due to the added sugars.

Can I freeze sour candy grapes?

Freezing is not recommended as it can alter the texture of the grapes and cause the sugar coating to become soggy once thawed.

Close-up of sugared green grapes covered in granulated sugar crystals, focusing on their textured surfaces.

What to Enjoy with Sour Candy Grapes

Cheese Plate: Pair them with an assortment of cheeses, such as sharp cheddar, creamy brie, or tangy goat cheese, for a delightful contrast of flavors.

Nuts and Seeds: Serve with mixed nuts or sunflower seeds for a satisfying crunch that contrasts the juicy grapes.

Sparkling Water: Enjoy these grapes with a glass of chilled sparkling water to enhance their refreshing quality.

Fresh Fruit Salad: Mix them into a fruit salad with other fresh fruits like sliced peaches, strawberries, and kiwi for a colorful and healthy snack.

Yogurt or Cottage Cheese: Top a bowl of plain yogurt or cottage cheese with sour candy grapes for a nutritious and tasty breakfast or dessert.

Ice Cream: Serve them alongside vanilla ice cream for a delicious dessert, where their tartness complements the sweet creaminess.

Wine or Cocktails: Pair with light white wines, rosé, or fruity cocktails that can match the playful tang of the grapes.

Chocolate: Combine with dark or white chocolate pieces for a decadent treat that balances sweet and sour flavors.

Popcorn: Mix them with lightly salted popcorn for a snack that combines salty, sweet, and sour tastes.

Cakes and Pastries: Use as a garnish on cakes, tarts, or pastries to add a pop of sour flavor and visual appeal.

Try these snacks next:

A tray of green coconut-covered mochi balls arranged neatly on parchment paper in a baking dish.

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A bowl of sour candy-coated grapes with text labels "sour candy grapes" and "healthy sour candy swap!" above.

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Close-up of sugared green grapes covered in granulated sugar crystals, focusing on their textured surfaces.

Sour Candy Grapes

Sour candy grapes coated in a tangy sweetener for a playful and delicious snack that bursts with an intense, mouth-puckering flavor.
Cuisine American
Keyword candy, grape candy, grapes, healthy snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Servings 4 cups
Calories 112kcal
Author Courtney O’Dell
Cost $8



  • Cover a large baking dish with parchment paper. Clean the grapes.
  • Place the clean grapes in a large bowl along with the juice from 2 limes.
  • Mix together using a spoon and allow to sit in the fridge for 10 minutes.
  • Transfer the Monk Fruit sweetener and citric acid into a medium bowl.
  • Remove the grapes from the fridge and roll each one into the monk fruit mixture making sure each grape is completely coated.
  • Transfer the coated grapes onto the parchment paper and freeze for 2-3 hours.


Calories: 112kcal | Carbohydrates: 57g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 0.2g | Saturated Fat: 0.1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.01g | Sodium: 3mg | Potassium: 288mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 23g | Vitamin A: 100IU | Vitamin C: 5mg | Calcium: 15mg | Iron: 1mg

About Courtney

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  1. Katherine says:

    5 stars
    Yummy grapes!

  2. Katherine says:

    5 stars